Saturday, September 6, 2008

3 ways to use blogs in class

I would use a blog to develop a class portal to organize course materials and have a place to post homework assignments for the class. Using this to communicate information to the class will give me an opportunity to refine my course management, but allow students to be better organized. I like the ability to use this tool to provide parents a way to monitor the homework and progress their kids are making. This will be a powerful tool in helping involve parents in their kids education. I would also want to use blogs as a place to post work and 'file' away assignments. This would provide an organized portfolio of a students work. Giving teachers and students an opportunity to comment and reflect upon their works can create more analytical thinking and development for students. The third way to use blogs is as a collaborative space. In this day and age, students communicate across the global, the sharing of ideas will inspire more thought and analysis of questions and answers potentially creating new avenues and directions in out thinking. Inspired learning through the use of a collaborative effort will empower students to no end, and continue to fuel their desires to continue to learn and develop.


MrJdailey said...

Pretty Fancy Stuff! Think your on to something!

Maryanne said...

These are all good uses of blogs. I especially like the idea of empowering the students. Once they feel ownership of a tool, they are more apt to want to continue using it. As you pointed out, hopefully, that would "fuel their desires to continue to learn and develop."
Dr. Burgos

Ms. Lee said...

Hi William,

I agree that blogging is a great way to encourage collaborative learning. I especially like the idea that students can have the opportunity to communicate with other students from all over the world. If I remember correctly, your goal is to become a coach in the future. I'm interested to know if you would consider using blogging as a way to get/share ideas from other coaches in different part of the world?

J Jackson said...

Hi William:

I really like you examples about collaboration and the diea of keeping a portfoliio for student work. Think about schoolwork before the great internet wave. Students often submitted assignments on paper without their own copy. Teachers and students only hold on to things for so long and then they are misplaced or tossed out. Then, a few years later, a similar topic may arise or a writting sample may be needed and they have nothing (This happened to me a few years ago!)

So I definately believe that blogs and web pages will provide a great opportunity to archive work as well as allow greater classroom collaboration-perhaps even global opportunities since a variety of people will be able to view blogs.

Also, in reference to coaching, you could put footage from games and players that you are interested in , this would help with "scouting" new talent.

I think that we will all find a lot of unique ways to utilize blogs inside and outside of the classroom, keep up the good work!


Giovanna said...

Organization is key and keeping assignments, announcements and student work progress organized for students helps them in one area that most are not to savvy at.

Humberto Loma said...

Thanks for all your input!!!

I wish I was as blogger saavy as some of you...