Saturday, September 13, 2008

Social Networking..Mod 3

As a coach, networking and professional developed are pivotal, so I signed on to a coaches corner networking page. I hope to generate more contacts and ideas on professional develop as my career moves along.

on a side note, I have used Facebook to contect with many of my colleagues in the past so I am going to leave this post up in conjunction with the addition above...

I am a big Facebook fan. I allows me to stay in touch with many of my former athletes that I have coached. There are an array of privacy settings to protect you and your friends and colleagues. I have a few professor colleagues at other schools that use Facebook to stay in touch, and to better communicate with students. Many students respondes more quickly to Facebook posts and emails...Check it out


Maryanne said...

You must choose a Ning group because they are all educational networking groups. Facebook and MySpace are stricly social networking site and don't serve the purpose of helping you network with people in your field about professional topics.
Dr. Burgos

Humberto Loma said...

I understand, and will do so, but I disagree. I have many of my coaching colleagues across the country that use face book to stay in touch, for me and networking for my colleagues in college football it has been invaluable.